Anyone can subscribe to their favorite porn star, or internet personality, and receive a private feed of content anywhere between PG13 and X-rated. Hi Jack! Briefly, could you tell me in your own words what OnlyFans/JustFor.Fans is? We spoke candidly about the mental health of the stars and consumers, PrEP and being undetectable, invisible safer sex, hypersexualisation, the financial lure and personal sacrifice. He explains he’s not who he has you believe in front of the cameras.
He describes his behind the scenes life as a paid-for porn personality. The HIV positive activist, and face behind the #WeAreAllClean campaign that stormed Instagram in 2015, spoke to GSN exclusively. ‘Instafamous’ gay and bisexual men, with tens of thousands of followers, are turning to platforms like the infamous OnlyFans and new competitor, JustFor.Fans, to monetize their PG-rated Instagram fame – by selling a subscription to their X-rated lives. New online platforms are turning everyday men into paid-for self-made porn stars, or ‘personalities’ – as former Project Runway model turned OnlyFans star, Jack Mackenroth, 49, calls them.